Cómo combatir el dolor de espalda - BeZen Mattress & Health

How to combat back pain

Did you know that back pain is the first cause of sick leave in the United States and the second in the Netherlands? And what is the third cause of medical expenses in Western countries?

That's right: back pain is one of the main problems that haunts us. It is estimated that between 60% and 80% of the population will suffer an episode of low back pain at some point in their life.

For all these reasons, it is essential to learn what causes back pain and how we can combat it.

The main causes and risk factors

This pain can be caused and aggravated for multiple reasons: the most common are injuries (especially sports), bad posture during the day or when sleeping, strong>sudden movements and accumulated stress, which keeps the muscles tense; In addition to being a symptom on many occasions of other diseases such as scoliosis, endometriosis, etc.

The risk factors that are most involved in back discomfort are: age (it usually worsens around the age of thirty due to past sports injuries, but it becomes more common between 60 and 65 years old); obesity; tobacco consumption; manual labor; and the genetic factor, which is the most relevant reason.

It is also more common in women than in men and is fostered by anxiety and depression, which are also the main factor in making it chronic, that is, making it something constant.

How can I relieve the pain?

To heal back pain and prevent it from appearing on future occasions, it is very important to have a series of good habits in your routine.

The best thing for these pains is usually a stretching routine, both in the morning when you get up and at night before going to sleep. You can start by trying to touch your toes, arch your back back and forth, and form an arch with your arms, moving your torso from side to side.

Physical activity is essential to keep the body active, moving and healthy.

You should try to correct your posture whenever your back is hunched, especially if you spend many hours a day sitting at a desk. Practicing exercises that make you aware of your posture and the state of tension your body is in never hurts. We have an article dedicated to Mindfulness that can help you in this regard.

Frequent massages (professional or at home) usually help a lot. Apply relaxing creams or creams with lavender essence to relax the body and relax the muscles.

Choose your mattress well

When pain becomes frequent, having a mattress of one type or another and of good quality directly influences its improvement. 

Viscoelastic mattresses with HR foam guarantee 100% adaptability to your body , avoiding spinal deviations and offering greater lumbar support.  Mattresses with a pocket spring core and viscoelastic layer are also effective, but they only adapt up to 85% to the body.

Having a good pillow with cervical support is also important, since neck pain often leads to shoulder and back pain.

We recommend choosing even depending on the position you usually choose when sleeping , since each of them requires greater support at different points of the back. 


You know, don't suffer anymore.




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