¿Qué significa lo que sueño? - BeZen Mattress & Health

What does what I dream mean?


If there is something we all do (even if we don't remember it) it is dream when we sleep. Sometimes things that could perfectly be real and other times that make you wake up confused, with a frown, and think “what did I just dream?”

Why do we dream?

Since the beginning of human reason, people have tried to discover why we dream and what dreams mean.

After countless studies on this subject, it has been concluded that dreams are information that the brain stores in memory and “brings out” or reconstructs when we sleep . Many of our dreams reflect the mood we are in at the moment, day-to-day concerns or situations that we fear or want to happen. We can even dream about people we think we have never seen, but the truth is that, even if we don't remember it, perhaps we have encountered them and our brain has pulled that piece of information from the subconscious when we were sleeping.

In any case, it is still an inaccurate and uncertain science, with more questions than answers. There are also currents of thought that affirm that dreams are premonitions about what is going to happen, but who really knows?

The most common dreams and their meanings

There are many dreams common to everyone, which tend to be repeated throughout our lives to a greater or lesser extent (also called “recurrent”). Surely you have ever shared what you have dreamed with a friend and he has told you that he once dreamed something very similar.

As many dream patterns are repeated, inexhaustible lists of the most frequent dreams and their possible meanings have been drawn up.

Dream that you are naked

Dreaming that you are in a public place completely or partially naked is very normal. This can symbolize low self-esteem, fear of humiliation and difficulties or lack of socialization.

Get stuck

Being trapped in a car, room or closed place can be a sign of “mental claustrophobia”, that is, feeling mentally trapped. Although most of the time one is not aware of it, it can signal a dependency on someone or something, and the fear of losing it.

Being chased

One of the most stressful and disturbing dreams is being chased, whether by someone threatening or not necessarily, it is still very disconcerting. 

This symbolizes fear of confrontation and avoidance of everyday responsibilities. On a more positive side, it can also be the search for new challenges and a display of great talent.


This type of dream usually ends in abrupt awakening.

This is because dreaming that you fall from somewhere (high or not so high) occurs at the end of the R.E.M phase or in the dream stage light, when you just fell asleep. For this reason, the brain has not completely disconnected from the body, and the state of alarm caused by the fall connects with the extremities and usually produces a spasm.

As for its meaning, it tends to be an accumulation of stress and a very great fear of losing control.


Dreaming about one's own pregnancy establishes a change in mentality: it means that the pregnant person is entering a stage of maturity and growth in which many changes are coming. is ready to face.

Losing control while driving

Something very common (even in children who have never driven) is to dream that you are behind the wheel of the car and you lose control or you don't know how to drive. It may be related to a tragic situation, but it does not mean that if you dream this something bad is going to happen, but rather that this overwhelming and uncontrolled situation is an indication of how one would act in a moment of uncertainty.

To be late

Constantly, and even more so if there is an important event the next day, you dream that you are late or that you miss public transportation to the place you want to get to. This indicates a deep fear of losing opportunities, both work-related, social and romantic.

Take an exam for which you have not studied

The dream (or nightmare) that every student has had in stressful times: dreaming that you arrive at an exam where they don't ask you anything you know or for which you haven't even studied.

This is closely related to “imposter syndrome,” a psychological syndrome that makes the sufferer believe that they are not worthy of their achievements, which pushes them to always give of themselves and fear not living up to expectations. both their own and others.


What do you dream when you sleep?

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