¿Por qué no puedo dormir en camas ajenas? - BeZen Mattress & Health

Why can't I sleep in other people's beds?

It is very common for it to be difficult to fall asleep when you are not at home. The problem comes with summer: vacations, friends' houses, hotels... it is very difficult for our body to adapt quickly and effectively to each new environment.

The question is: what is the reason why you cannot sleep in other people's beds?

Science explains it

After studies carried out in different North American universities, everything indicates that the left hemisphere of our brain maintains a mechanism of wakefulness and alertness to face possible threats when sleeping in an unknown environment. This had already been observed in different animals: whales, dolphins, etc., which shows that it is a completely natural instinct.

While our right hemisphere falls asleep, our other half resists falling asleep completely, disrupting our sleep routine, circadian rhythms, and mood.

These same studies revealed a common pattern in all their subjects: the first night was always the hardest. On the first night, the brain reacts more easily to external stimuli, such as high-pitched sounds. It is because of this phenomenon known as “first night effect” that the study was carried out over several days, to minimize its symptoms. After a couple of days, the body ended up adapting and falling asleep more quickly.

This explains why it is difficult to fall asleep the first night in a new hotel but easy the next day.

It was also observed that those people accustomed to constantly changing their environment (due to travel, etc.) do not have this strong effect, since the brain is a flexible organ that ends up adapting to constant variation.

Now that I know this... how can I fall asleep?

The main advice for resting comfortably in a foreign bed is to make the environment as similar as possible to that of your home: this helps the brain adapt sooner. Try to sleep on the same side of the bed, with the same number of pillows, the same postures and, above all, with your usual rest routines.

Bringing objects that you usually sleep with (your own pillow, cushion, or objects that you usually have on your bedside table) helps calm the brain.

Pay attention to the temperature of your room: in rooms that are too cold it is more difficult to sleep, as is during heat waves.

The aroma of lavender is also very useful for relaxing and regulating your heart rate.

To minimize external stimuli, try sleeping with earplugs (to avoid high-pitched sounds) and with an eye mask. This way sleep will be more restful.

Another simple way to fall asleep is with melatonin supplements. Melatonin is one of the most important sleep hormones, secreted naturally by the body. However, with changes in our routines, its production can be altered. Melatonin in pills or gummies can be a good option to give your body the last push (but you should always consult a doctor about its consumption).


We wish you sweet dreams.

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