Los beneficios de dormir en pareja - BeZen Mattress & Health

The benefits of sleeping as a couple

The movements of your boy, the snoring of your “cuchufleta”, the fact that he gets up four times to go to the bathroom… It is often difficult to see the positive side of sleeping as a couple.

But although it may all seem bad, the truth is that sleeping with your treasure has numerous benefits, both for your own health and for the health of your partner. .

Why are there couples who prefer to sleep separately?

These couples will surely wonder why there are people who prefer to sleep together.

Multiple bad (or simply mismatched) sleep habits between members of a relationship can cause chaos at bedtime. For example, one of the most common problems falling asleep as a couple are noises caused by snoring, sleep apnea or nocturnal bruxism (clenching the jaw and grinding the teeth when falling asleep). of the other member of the couple.

In turn, going to bed at different times, getting up too often or moving around a lot in bed is often the cause of disputes, since lack of sleep disrupts common routines and causes a bad mood.

On the other hand, poor posture when trying to sleep comfortably with someone can cause back and muscle pain. And all of this if we don't talk about those terrible criminals, the "blanket stealers" who uncover you and leave you unprotected in the cold and darkness of the night.

What health benefits does sleeping together have?

Although it is not talked about as much, beyond the benefits that sleeping together brings for the couple (which we will talk about later), there are also the countless advantages for individual health.

When sleeping with a loved one, the body releases very important hormones: serotonin (known as one of the happiness hormones), oxytocin > (one of those that most influences sexual processes, in addition to the formation of emotional bonds with other people) and dopamine (which causes relaxation and reduces stress).

Also, thanks to caresses and hugs, blood pressure is reduced and temperature is regulated for the coldest people.

Some studies suggest that when sleeping as a couple, REM sleep is interrupted much less. This is very important since during the “repair” of our body during this phase, processes such as memory maintenance, emotion regulation , and creativity to solve problems are consolidated.

The advantages for the relationship

Like any activity, sleeping together is one more way to spend time with your partner and one of the most important processes to maintain good emotional health.

By spending that time in bed together, very important bonds of intimacy and complicity are generated, since at night and in the hours close to going to sleep, it is proven that people tend to be more vulnerable and have deep conversations.

All of this improves attachment and the feeling of self-security, since being with someone who understands you and is physically attached to you makes you feel more protected from external threats.

Furthermore, by constantly sleeping with someone, sleep patterns end up synchronizing, improving the quality of sleep, the relationship and a deeper level of understanding.

Tips to facilitate sleep as a couple

Most of the time, although it has so many benefits, it is not so easy to sleep comfortably with someone. From BeZen we give you some tips for this:

  1. Buy a large mattress , where there is plenty of space for both of you in case you want to sleep closer together or further apart. BeZen mattresses are specially designed to guarantee bed independence , minimizing the movements of the companion. Also something that is done very often in Nordic countries is to have individual duvets (in addition to pillows), so that everyone can decide when they want to cover or uncover themselves without disturbing them.
  2. It is very important to go to sleep at the same time and try to have the same rest times. It is common for conflicts to arise if each person goes to sleep at a different time, as this alters both of their routines.
  3. You should also try to resolve arguments (whenever possible) before going to sleep, since they produce high levels of stress that can lead to poor and unrefreshing rest. .
  4. And finally, if what is difficult for you is to find a position in which to sleep peacefully, we want to recommend three: face up but holding hands (it is comfortable and still having physical contact), face to face (if both prefer to sleep on their side, and you can also touch the partner) and the most famous, the spoon (it's like sleeping hugged, but more comfortable).


Sleep well with your partner and don't be a blanket stealer.

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