The better we feel emotionally, the better we rest. Gratitude is a path that leads us to face life with more positivity and allows us to improve our mood substantially.
Gratitude consists not only of giving thanks, but also of appreciating the material and intangible things we have and achieve, even (and especially) when we may think they are small or insignificant. It is an emotion, a virtue and a feeling, but, above all, it is an attitude.
What benefits does gratitude have?
Some studies on psychology, especially that of gratitude and positivity, prove that being grateful generates greater general happiness and greater self-esteem, as well as stronger and healthier relationships and even improvement of the immune systemas it reduces negative and toxic emotions such as envy or resentment and reduces the level of hormones such as cortisol, directly linked to stress.
A grateful attitude allows us to connect with ourselves and what we do both for ourselves and for others; with our community and loved ones, strengthening ties; with nature and everything it offers us; and with greater powers or a more accentuated feeling of spirituality.
This positive feeling and connection translates into greater mental tranquility, physical and emotional relaxation that helps us rest better and face adversity with a considerable improvement in attitude. Being a selfless value, it is positive for both the giver and the receiver, improving emotional and personal ties, which allows us to harbor less resentment and be more likely to forgive.
And it is very true that the more grateful you are, the less you focus on the negative aspects.

How to apply it on a daily basis
Especially during bad days, try to be grateful for the good things you have: it can be mentally or, preferably, in writing. Words put on paper provide a greater sense of “materiality”, it seems that “there is more” than a simple thought. For this, you can have a diary or gratitude notebook in which to write regularly.
Express your gratitude to someone just because. It could be a person you know little or even a loved one. Many times we forget to thank the people around us for accompanying us on our path, and everyone likes to hear how grateful someone feels to have you in their life.
Thank everyone whenever you can. Many workers feel that their work throughout the day can go unnoticed: show that they do not do so and that you appreciate their efforts to colleagues, teachers, waiters, janitors, someone who holds the door for you as you pass, the bus driver who returns to opening the door when he was already leaving… Everyone deserves a “thank you.”
You can also meditate. Meditation and practices such as Mindfulness help us concentrate on the present and focus on the positive aspects of life, observing emotions and being grateful for their presence in us.