The BeZen Blog

Los trastornos más comunes del sueño

The most common sleep disorders

Of all the disorders that affect humans, those related to sleep are among the most common. There are many people who deal with some form of difficulty when sleeping.  For...

The most common sleep disorders

Of all the disorders that affect humans, those related to sleep are among the most common. There are many people who deal with some form of difficulty when sleeping.  For...

Estos son los mejores accesorios para tu descanso

These are the best accessories for your rest

Sometimes a good mattress is enough to make your rest much more pleasant and restful. However, it is not always that easy: studies affirm that almost half of the Spanish...

These are the best accessories for your rest

Sometimes a good mattress is enough to make your rest much more pleasant and restful. However, it is not always that easy: studies affirm that almost half of the Spanish...

Audioscape, la app Nº1 en Innovación del descanso

Audioscape, the Nº1 app in Rest Innovation

If there was a technology that improves your mood, unlocks your creativity and allows you to sleep better when you need it most, that would be great, wouldn't it? ?...

Audioscape, the Nº1 app in Rest Innovation

If there was a technology that improves your mood, unlocks your creativity and allows you to sleep better when you need it most, that would be great, wouldn't it? ?...

Así afecta la ansiedad a tu descanso

This is how anxiety affects your rest

If you don't know what anxiety and stress are, you're in luck. These two phenomena are responses of our body that occur in the face of danger or the perception...

This is how anxiety affects your rest

If you don't know what anxiety and stress are, you're in luck. These two phenomena are responses of our body that occur in the face of danger or the perception...

Todo sobre los sueños lúcidos

All about lucid dreams

Having a lucid dream means being aware that you are dreaming while you sleep, which leads you to be able to control what happens. It's that simple to understand. However,...

All about lucid dreams

Having a lucid dream means being aware that you are dreaming while you sleep, which leads you to be able to control what happens. It's that simple to understand. However,...

La gratitud mejora tu descanso - BeZen Mattress & Health

Gratitude improves your rest

The better we feel emotionally, the better we rest. Gratitude is a path that leads us to face life with more positivity and allows us to improve our mood substantially....

Gratitude improves your rest

The better we feel emotionally, the better we rest. Gratitude is a path that leads us to face life with more positivity and allows us to improve our mood substantially....